
CARES Funding Application Process:

  1. Visit the »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË CARES Act Grant page to obtain the application link.
  2. Briefly summarize the financial impact that COVID-19 has had on you (food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, child care, etc.). 
  3. Reply to any next steps requested by the Financial Aid Team (which could include completing additional paperwork and/or answering additional questions)

Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis, with requests being due by the first of each month.

Awarding Method:
Students who demonstrated unexpected expenses or hardships related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus were asked to submit applications, as described above. The student applications were reviewed by the financial aid team. Expenses and/or hardships provided within the application were then reviewed to determine if minimum qualifying criteria for interruption funding had been met. In addition, students were reviewed to determine they meet Title IV eligibility requirements. Students were awarded utilizing an awarding formula that reviews students class level, enrollment status (full time, etc.), and expected family contribution (EFC). There is a cap on approved funding for undergraduate and graduate students to provide greatest access to all eligible students. Students were advised that there would be more than one opportunity to apply for funds, in order to ensure that there would be ongoing opportunities for affected individuals to receive assistance.